Press Release

July 22, 2020

Dear Stakeholder:

The Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (FRCC) releases today its annual report to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans of conservation requirements for Atlantic groundfish for 1999. The report is entitled "Fisheries in Transition" (FRCC.99.R.4)

The FRCC’s annual advice to the Minister for 1999 has been broken down into several smaller reports. This report serves as a compilation of previously released recommendations and contains no new information.

Copies of the report will be made available at DFO regional offices, on the Internet at, and from the FRCC at P.O. Box 2001, Station D, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5W3, (613)998-0433 phone (613) 998-1146 fax.

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For information:

Lisa Tenace
Client and Public Relations
FRCC Secretariat
(613) 998-1144