October 30, 2020

Dear Stakeholder,

RE: Scotian Shelf 2000 Fishery Questionnaires

Please find attached questionnaires to provide feedback to the FRCC on your experience in the Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy fishery of 2000.

The FRCC requests that participants in the 2000 Scotian Shelf groundfishery take a few minutes to complete one or both of the questionnaires, depending on where you fish. As well, any comments and suggestions toward formalizing information the FRCC receives from fishermen are most welcome.

These questionnaires are a means to provide more structured information on fishing industry observations on the Scotian Shelf. They are designed to make it easier for respondents to provide feedback on their observations in the fishery by simply checking the most appropriate boxes in response to questions on stock status and fisheries observations. It is estimated that respondents can complete the questions in less than 10 minutes. As such, it is our objective to have as many people as possible complete the form in order to obtain a complete industry view of the Scotian Shelf groundfish stocks.

We believe that fishermen’s information gathered in this form will develop much needed structure to the industry’s view of stock status, and together with other sources of information, will provide important rationale to the FRCC’s recommendations to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

Completed questionnaires can be sent:

By FAX: (613) 998-1146
By mail: P.O. Box 2001, Station D, Ottawa, ON K1P 5W3
By e-mail: [email protected]

By hand: Shelburne, November 22; Sydney, November 23; Halifax, November 24.

Completed questionnaires should be received by the FRCC prior to December 1, 2000.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and your contribution toward better understanding the status of our groundfish resources on the Scotian Shelf.

                                                                 Yours truly,
                                                                 Fred Woodman