
Questions to Participants in the 2000 Georges Bank Groundfishery

The FRCC requests the following information as an important part of its information sources for determining stock status of the Georges Bank groundfish resources of cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder. Once compiled, this information is used to assist the FRCC in making recommendations to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans for the year 2000 fishery.

Instructions to participants: Please complete the following questions by checking off the appropriate box ( 4 ) in the tables below. Additional written comments are welcome. The questionnaire should take about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your valuable input.

I. Stock Status

1. What is your view of the overall status in 2000 of groundfish stocks on Georges Bank?



Fully recovered Improving compared to 1999 but not fully recovered Stable-unchanged from 1999 Declining compared to 1999 Stock in collapse
5Zjm Cod          
5Zjm Haddock          
5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder          

2. How did your own catch rates in 2000 compare with your catch rates of 1999?



Highest ever Better than 1999 Unchanged from 1999 Worse than 1999 Lowest ever Did not fish stock
5Zjm Cod            
5Zjm Haddock            
5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder            

3. How available were fish in 2000 compared with fish availability in 1999?



Easy to find Easier to find than 1999 Unchanged from 1999 More difficult to find than 1999 Difficult to find Did not fish stock
5Zjm Cod            
5Zjm Haddock            
5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder            

4. How did the timing of the fishery in 2000 compare with the timing of the fishery in 1999?



Very early Earlier than 1999 Unchanged from 1999 Later than 1999 Very late Did not fish stock
5Zjm Cod            
5Zjm Haddock            
5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder            

5. What was the overall condition of fish (fat or skinny) in 2000 catches compared to fish condition in 1999?



Excellent fish condition Improved condition compared to 1999 Unchanged condition from 1999 Declining condition compared to 1999 Poor fish condition Did not fish stock
5Zjm Cod            
5Zjm Haddock            
5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder            

II. Observations while Fishing in 2000

1. How would you evaluate the overall status of the Georges Bank ecosystem in 2000 (e.g., environmental conditions, water temperature, salinity, presence of other species, etc.) ?

  Highly positive Better than in 1999 Unchanged from 1999 Deteriorated compared to 1999 Highly negative
Georges Bank ecosystem          

Please state evidence from indicators you observed in support of your response:




2. Did the presence of predator species on groundfish have an impact on the fishery in 2000?

  High abundance of predators Increased predators compared to 1999 Unchanged predators from 1999 Decreased evidence of predators compared to 1999 Relative absence of predators
Predator species          

Please state evidence of predator abundance you observed in support of your response:




3. Did the presence of prey (forage) species (e.g., sandlance, herring, shrimp, etc.) for groundfish have an impact on the fishery in 2000?

  High abundance of prey Increased prey compared to 1999 Unchanged prey from 1999 Decreased evidence of prey compared to 1999 Relative absence of prey
Prey species          

Please state evidence of prey abundance you observed in support of your response:




4. How would you evaluate the size of the fish in catches by stock in 2000?

  Many more small fish More small fish than usual Similar in ages and size to past years More big fish than usual Many more older, big fish Did not observe
5Zjm Cod            
5Zjm Haddock            
5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder            

5. Yellowtail flounder and skates share the same habitat. Do you feel that the presence of skates in the yellowtail fishery affects yellowtail catch rates and yellowtail spatial distribution?

  Affects a lot affects somewhat Uncertain Affects a little Does not affect at all
Presence of skates in the yellowtail fishery affects yellowtail catch rates          
Presence of skates in the yellowtail fishery affects yellowtail spatial distribution          

Suggestions to improve monitoring effectiveness:




6. Do you believe that increased use of management measures other than TACs, e.g., more area closures for protecting spawning fish, or more gear restrictions to reduce bycatch (e.g., separator trawls or hook size and type) would be effective in dealing with groundfish stock conservation and rebuilding on the Georges’ Bank?

Increased use of other management measures Could be very effective May be partly effective Uncertain Will likely be less than fully effective Will not be at all effective
1. More Area closures          
2. More Gear restrictions          
3. Stricter Small fish protocol        

III. Information Sources

1.  In your view, do the following fishery information sources accurately reflect stock removals and provide the means for estimating stock status?

Information Source Highly underestimates stock removals Somewhat underestimates stock removals Reflects removals accurately Somewhat overestimates stock removals Highly overestimates stock removals No comment/ Don’t know
1. Port sampling            
2. At-sea sampling            
3. Sales slip data            
4. Quota statistics            

Suggestions to improve the reliability of fishery information:




2.    In your view, do the following stock abundance surveys accurately reflect year-over-year changes in actual stock abundance?

Stock Surveys Highly underestimates abundance Somewhat underestimates abundance Reflects abundance accurately Somewhat overestimates abundance Highly overestimates abundance No comment/ Don’t know
1. Research  vessels surveys, e.g., DFO            
2. Joint Industry/DFO surveys            
3. Sentinel surveys            
4. Individual opinions of fishermen            

Suggestions to improve the reliability of fishery information:




3.    Do you feel you have had an adequate opportunity to express your views on stock status through the various meetings listed below?

Meetings Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree No comment
Scotia-Fundy RAP            
2. Meetings with DFO Science staff            
3. FRCC consultations            

Suggestions to improve information exchange:




IV. Resource Outlook

For the Georges’ Bank groundfish stocks, the FRCC is currently working on developing a set of criteria for longer-term stock conservation and growth. These include: (1) recommending quotas below the F0.1 level; (2) setting stock specific spawning stock biomass targets; and (3) accepting low probabilities for year-over-over possible decline in the spawning stock biomass. In the future the FRCC will be consulting DFO and the fishing industry to develop longer-term plans for the Georges’ Bank groundfish stocks. We invite you to provide preliminary feedback on the planning process, and criteria for stock conservation and growth.

How important do you consider the following elements for effective longer-term planning for the Georges’ Bank groundfish stocks?

Planning elements Very important Somewhat important Uncertain Less important Not at all important No comment/ Don’t know
1. Multi-year TACs, e.g.,setting TACs for 3 to 5 years running            
2. Biological objectives, e.g., absolute biomass limits and targets            
3. Stock reference point values, e.g., F0.1            
4. Ecosystem considerations, e.g., predators, prey, habitat            
5. Socioeconomic considerations, e.g., employment, income            
6. Limits on year-to- year changes in TACs, e.g., no change greater than +20% or –20%            
7. Other (please specify) __________________

Suggestions for effective longer-term planning:






V. Respondent’s Information

The following information is requested only to ensure data integrity and for data compilation purposes. This information will not be used in any way to identify the respondent and will remain confidential.

1. To what fleet/gear sector do you belong?

  FG less than 45’ FG 45’-65’ MG less than 65’ FG 65’-100’ MG 65’-100’ Vessels>100’
Fleet/Gear sector            

2.  Please state your home port and province.


Place name


Home port    

3. What Georges Bank groundfish stocks did you fish in 2000? (Check all that apply.)


5Zjm Cod

5Zjm Haddock

5Zjmnh Yellowtail flounder

Stocks fished      

4. In what periods did you fish for Georges Bank groundfish in 2000? (Check all months that you fished.)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Fishing periods                        

4. How many years experience do you have fishing Georges Bank groundfish stocks?

  One year 2 to 5 years 5 to 7 years 7 to 10 years More than 10 years
Years experience          

Comments on questionnaire and suggestions for improving industry information collection:







Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Please send completed questionnaire to:

By fax: (613) 998-1146
By mail: P.O. Box 2001, Station D, Ottawa, ON K1P 5W3
By E-mail: [email protected]

By hand: FRCC Consultations, May 7,2020 in Pubnico