March 1, 2021
Dear Stakeholder
During the week of March 19, the Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (FRCC) will hold consultation sessions to gather information on the state of groundfish stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The schedule is as follows:
March 19: Port-au-Choix, Newfoundland, Town Council Office
March 20: Port-aux-Basques, Newfoundland, St. Christopher Hotel
March 20: Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Nautical College
March 21: Moncton, New Brunswick, Delta Beaus�jour Hotel
March 22: Iles de la madeleine, Qu�bec, Auberge Madeli
March 23: Gasp�, Qu�bec, Quality Inn
All meetings will start at 9:00 AM.
These meetings have two objectives. The first is to get your opinion on the current state of the various groundfish stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and your suggestions for the Councils advice to the Minister for the 2001/2002 fishing season. The second is to get your views on the development of Fisheries Resource Conservation Plans, long term plans for each of the stocks of the Gulf. As you know, the FRCC is currently working on developing such plans, and your input is particularly important in this endeavour.
In order to foster productive discussions, we have developed the attached list of questions on which you might focus. This list is not exhaustive, and other issues can be raised during our meetings. We would however ask you to pay particular attention to the questionnaire, and to use it as a basis for discussion with your colleagues and other members of your organization.
I thank you for your participation in this initiative.
Yours truly,