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December 10, 2020

FRCC held a two day Focus Group meeting in Moncton on the long-term conservation of Atlantic snow crab

Moncton , N.B. – The Fisheries Resource Conservation Council ( FRCC ) has completed a two day Focus Group meeting. The Focus group meeting is the latest in a series of steps taken by the Council in the preparation of an Atlantic-wide Strategy on the Conservation of Atlantic Snow Crab. The Strategy, which is commissioned by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, is aimed at providing recommendations to the Department and the industry on measures to enhance the long-term conservation of the resource and sustainability of the Atlantic snow crab fishery.

The purpose of the Focus Group meeting was to seek the views of experienced fishermen and processors on the concerns, opportunities and options noted from the 19 public consultations the Council held in September and October.

The Focus group meeting consisted of 33 fishermen and processors from throughout Atlantic Canada, 11 Council members as well as provincial and Fisheries and Oceans ex-officios. Participants revised and discussed issues grouped in three large categories; Science and Environment, Harvesting Methods and Management Regimes. Members of the Council facilitated the various discussions and plenary sessions.

“This is a valuable meeting for us fishermen; it’s a win-win situation. The forum allows for fishermen’s input which is to the benefit of the Council. Fishermen also gained new knowledge by sharing ideas and practices experienced elsewhere” commented Marc Couture, fisherman in Area 12.

Jean Guy d’Entremont, Chairman of the Council and fish harvester/processor from West Pubnico, Nova Scotia, was very encouraged by the results of the session. “A large number of constructive ideas and options were brought forward for Council’s consideration,” noted Mr. d’Entremont.

Gerard Chidley a fishermen from Renews, Newfoundland and Labrador , also supported the focus group meeting. “The snow crab fishery is of prime importance to Newfoundland and Labrador . I am confident that this session will help guide the FRCC in the preparation of its snow crab conservation report.”

The Council will continue over the coming weeks to invite comments or ideas regarding the conservation of the snow crab resource. It s re port that will be made available in the latter part of June 2005.

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Arthur Willett
Executive Director, FRCC
Tel (613) 998-0433
[email protected]